What does Qualitycheck offer?
The Qualitycheck Srls is an Italian private and independent company, founded with the aim of providing testing laboratories with the tools for quality control, such as interlaboratory proficiency testing, reference materials, technical support to improve analytical performance, and other services related to internal control and external quality assurance of analytical results.
The mission of Qualitycheck is to simplify the use of the tools of quality control to enable testing laboratories to improve their analytical performance.
In recent years, the increase of quality standards imposed by reference standards and legislation led to greater confidence in the analytical results generated by testing laboratories. At the same time, however, it has resulted in the need for laboratories to allocate resources, financial and human, more and more increasing for managing quality controls.
For these reasons, Qualitycheck offers simple tools for quality control, fast and effective execution, allowing its clients to optimize time and resources to improve their performance.
The founders of Qualitycheck are professionals coming from the world of testing laboratories and providers of proficiency testing (PTP - Proficiency Testing Providers), who have over 15 years of experience in the field of environmental and nutritional analytical chemistry and in the development, management, and accreditation of management systems for the quality of testing laboratories and providers of interlaboratory proficiency testing (ISO/IEC 17025 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" and ISO/IEC 17043 "Conformity assessment -- General requirements for proficiency testing").
The Coordinator of interlaboratory has 10 years of experience in the organization and management of interlaboratory proficiency testing at national and international level.
The Coordinator of the proficiency testing has "the responsibility to organize and manage all activities related to the operation of a scheme of interlaboratory proficiency testing.” [ SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17043:2010].
In 2013, as part of the Network Europe PT-WFD and in collaboration with other providers of proficiency testing (AQS-BW (DE), IWW Water Centre (DE), AGLAE (FR), SYKE (FI), Institute fur Hygiene und Umwelt (DE)), Saumel Perez Santana has coordinated an interlaboratory proficiency testing, chosen by the European Cooperation (EA), to monitor the analytical performances of European laboratories accredited in several European countries (Austria, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland and Hungary).
From 2005 to 2009, Saumel Perez Santana managed proficiency testing organized as a part of international projects, funded by the European Commission, such as Project TAQC-WFD, SWIFT-WFD, TBT-IMPACTS and Phare Romania.